Our Team

Maiya Hessbrook

Maiya began training dogs when she was around 8 years old, beginning with her family pet, a chocolate lab named Sawyer. She has since completed a dog training certification through CATCH Canine Trainers Academy in January of 2022, where she learned the best practices in positive dog training. Through CATCH, Maiya also completed a certification in Pet First Aid and CPR. Then, in May of 2022 she began a hands-on apprenticeship with Real World K9 LLC, which led to employment as an apprentice trainer in June and eventually a head trainer, overseeing the training of many dogs with various behavior issues up to December of 2023.

Amber Wubbeling

Amber is a novice dog trainer who only officially began working with dogs in 2022. Before this, she has had a number of jobs and personal experiences of working with animals of all kinds. Amber has always had a passion for helping people, and a newfound passion of helping people with their pets. She was hired as a kennel tech with Real World K9 mid summer of 2022, where she began to learn quickly that dog training is something she has interest in. She has done many private lessons and helped in many group classes. Currently, she is the proud owner of three dogs, including Chakho, a belgian malinois, who has become her “partner in crime.” Amber is looking forward to any future opportunities to learn and grow as a trainer.